WisdomDevra Ochs

Thoughts to Consider

The hardest thing to do is change my mind. “Faced with the choice of changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.”

WisdomDevra Ochs
WisdomDevra Ochs

Learning How to Learn

Learning anything new is challenging. This is because the new things we’re looking for in our lives are not inside what we already know.

WisdomDevra Ochs
Learning How to Learn
WisdomDevra Ochs

Emotional Prison

In essence, we’ve created an emotional cell that makes us feel trapped. Very often it’s because we have become attached to a particular outcome or identity.

WisdomDevra Ochs
Emotional Prison
WisdomDevra Ochs

Holding Opposites

As the end of the year approaches, I want to thank you for your readership and continued support.

WisdomDevra Ochs
Holding Opposites
Wisdom, OrientationDevra Ochs

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"

When we embark on the grown-up tasks of finding a mate, establishing a career, parenting and growing old, we’re left to our own devices.

Wisdom, OrientationDevra Ochs
"Life can only be understood backwards;  but it must be lived forwards"
WisdomDevra Ochs

The Concept of Time and My College Reunion

We live in time, or the dimension of time, and we operate in the social construct of time.

WisdomDevra Ochs
The Concept of Time and My College Reunion
WisdomDevra Ochs

Joys Recur Just As Sorrows Do

When we try to hang on to another person or to any part of life, we impede the natural flow.

WisdomDevra Ochs
Joys Recur Just As Sorrows Do
WisdomDevra Ochs

Growth Edge

Jerry Seinfeld says, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death.”

WisdomDevra Ochs
Growth Edge
WisdomDevra Ochs

What Secrets are You Keeping?

Put simply, when deceit is in play, what we are doing and what we are saying no longer match.

WisdomDevra Ochs
What Secrets are You Keeping?
WisdomDevra Ochs

Navigating Tough Decisions

If it were simply a matter of using our rational minds, writing down the pros and cons would be enough to clarify our next move.

WisdomDevra Ochs
Navigating Tough Decisions